Toothache Facts
- Pain is a symptom of almost every dental issue, so it may be hard to know what the problem is.
- The tooth may appear to be fine, but it could have an infection internally.
- There are different type of pain: throbbing, constant, flashes, they all might mean something different.
Toothache pain can be quite severe and in some cases it can be so disruptive it can stop patients from doing there daily activities. If the pain becomes this intense it can definitely be considered an emergency toothache. It can also be hard to pinpoint what the specific cause is, pain and discomfort are a symptom of almost every dental issue that can occur.
What causes toothaches?
- Tooth decay – Cavities are literally holes in your teeth, it can also cause exposure which will increase sensitivity.
- Exposed nerves – If your nerves become exposed they will be incredibly sensitive.
- Infection – Bacteria can even get inside the tooth which may result in you getting a root canal.

How can I relieve my toothache pain?
You probably won’t be able to get rid of the ache, but you can implement strategies that will hopefully lessen the pain. We do recommend you see a dentist if you are experiencing pain, however, if it’s severe toothache the intensity of the pain generally signals a more serious issue.
Saltwater Rinse
- Saltwater rinse – Mix 1/2 of a teaspoon in a glass of warm water and gently rinse around your mouth. After you are finished rinsing spit out the water.
After you are done with the salt water rinse, you can do a quick brush, or use mouthwash to rid of the taste.
Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse
- Hydrogen peroxide rinse – Mix 3-percent hydrogen peroxide with equal parts of water. Do not attempt to swallow it, afterwards, rinse your mouth out with regular water.
Cold Compress
- Cold compress – Have a bag of something cold or frozen i.e. frozen peas. Apply the bag to the outside area of the painful part of your mouth. Do this for ten-minute intervals, or as long as it is comfortable for you.
- Garlic – Crush the fresh clove of garlic in a small amount of water to create a paste, immediately apply the paste to the tooth, it won’t work if it is left too long. Than afterward you can use mouthwash or brush your teeth to get rid of the taste and smell on the breath.
Pain medication (OTC)
Elevate your head