Fast Facts On Dentistry
- 25% of adults DO NOT brush twice a day. This increases their risk of developing tooth decay by 33%.
- 90% of a bad breath smell originates in the mouth.
- Roughly 25% of American adults have no teeth.
False dental Facts And misinformation
There’s a lot of dental misinformation out there, if you trust the wrong info it could lead to cavities, infections, missing teeth, and other negative outcomes. With your teeth, it might be difficult to know if you’re doing the right thing or the wrong thing since it always takes a long time for the changes to materialize in your teeth, but once they do dental problems, are often irreversible.
Myth 1: Sugar Causes Cavities
myth 2: Bleeding gums are normal

myth 3: Brushing harder is not better
If you want to really take your brushing to the next level, you can measure your pressure:
- Grab a kitchen scale that can weigh down to ’20s of grams.
- Apply 150 – 200 grams of pressure.
- Use this same amount of pressure on your teeth.
Of course, if you don’t want to be this precise you can just brush your teeth as normal and try varying degrees of pressure.
Myth 4: Flossing Teeth Isn’t Necessary

Myth 5: Regular dental checkups aren’t necessary

Myth 6: Gum is a substitute for brushing
So What’s The Bottom Line?
You can go to lots of different places online to get your dentistry information. There are also lots of places giving out wrong, or fraudulent information. Sometimes this act is done with the intent to cause harm. Other times it might be done out of ignorance. If you do read something online that you are thinking of implementing into your routine, please consult with your dentist first.