Break A Tooth? Here’s What You Should Do!

Excerpt: When teeth break it can result in a varying degree of other problems. You might not even...

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When teeth break it can result in a varying degree of other problems. You might not even feel a tooth break, but you will most likely either feel the piece or pieces that broke of, or you could feel the sharp edge created by the fracture.

Why did my tooth break?

Enamel is the substance that protects the inner structures of your teeth from exposure and infection. Everyone’s enamel is different, some factors include: genetics, oral care, diet. Some common causes of a fractured tooth include:
  • Biting on hard objects, such as ice or hard candies.
  • Trauma resulting from accidents of physical contact.
  • Grinding your teeth (bruxism).

What factors increase the Risk Of Breaking A Tooth?

There is a lot you can do to attempt to prevent a tooth from breaking, these actions will help to prevent the tooth from breaking:
  • Better oral care – Oral care keeps teeth strong and healthy.
  • Tooth decay – Cavities directly impact the enamel, if you have any, they should be treated.
  • Acidic foods – Acid will negatively impact your enamel, try to eat less acidic foods.
  • Eating disorders and/or alcohol use – Vomiting can bring stomach acid in contact with teeth. 
  • Eat less sugary and carb-rich foods – Sugar can increase the acid in your mouth.
  • Age – Teeth wear out over time, you need to be more vigilant as you get older.

Which teeth are most at risk for breaking?

It will depend on your specific situation, but in general, the tooth most prone to breaking is the second lower molar. This is mainly due to the amount of chewing it does.

How can you diagnose a chipped tooth?

Broken teeth can be tricky to diagnose by a patient, they may be immediately noticeable, or not at all. Depending on the severity and location of the break, here are some ways you can diagnose a fracture:
  • Feeling a jagged surface.
  • Local irritation of the gums.
  • Pain from the tooth when biting or chewing.
A dentist can also double check your suspicion by looking at the tooth directly, they should be able to tell if a break has occurred or not.
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