You don’t need to avoid all food that is bad for your teeth, but you should keep an eye out so you don’t overconsume these foods. If you do consume the foods listed in this article, don’t panic, just have fun, however, dentist would recommend that you clean your teeth thoroughly after consumption. On of the issues with these foods is that most of the time they are being consume at night. If you have a bunch of sugary foods at night, then don’t brush your teeth, it will be hard to avoid plaque & tartar build up which will eventually result in bigger health problems.
What food is bad for teeth?
If you eat any of these foods, clean your mouth thoroughly, if you crunchy hard food, definitely chew with your molars, and try to avoid using your front teeth.
Carbohydrate-Rich Foods
There is naturally occurring bacteria in your mouth, this is totally normal. However, if you eat high carb foods (food with lots of sugar, natural or added), the bacteria will turn the sugar into acid. The acid from the bacteria will decay your teeth, as well as possibly turn into plaque and tartar. To prevent this from happening, you should brush and floss vigorously. Most of these foods also tend to be sticky, or will get easily caught between your teeth. Just like popcorn, clean everything to be safe.